Wednesday, 3 July 2013

4 Fingers Crispy Chicken [Food Review] - I just ate salt.

This is probably my first post where I complain about what I just ate. And yes, it was that bad, that it motivated me to write an entry right away on the very next day. 

In case you're wondering I'm the typical Singaporean who LOVES to dip my fishball in the soya sauce with chilli padi, and ocassionally poke the chilli padi into my fish ball and chew it while I'm having my fish ball noodles. I have no problem with thai food that mainly uses fish sauce and chilli crab or even pepper crab. 

My tolerance for salty intake is probably 7/10 and my chilli tolerance level is probably 8/10  
(I even survived the buffalo wing over at Buckaroo.)

(Chicken) Tonkatsu Salad for $9.95 SGD

What I had was the worse Salad I have ever tasted. I swore on my life, I would eat the Grilled Chicken Salad over at Mcdonalds over this. I know they are famous for their fried chicken. But while queuing at the store, I had a small peek at how they were laying those already fried chicken wings in the open and I thought to myself, "ewww, musn't be very nice to have cold wings right?"

I know they need to toss them in soy garlic and hot sauce, but seriously, it was a one fat tray of chicken wings sitting at the top. It was near where the collection point was. Yucks! Not for me. Don't seem any where near fresh to me.

If you're a fan of Japanese food, some what or another, you may have know about the Japanese soy/sesame dressing that they use for their salads. Over at 4FingersCrispyChicken, they toss the lettuce, a few slices of tomatoes and Chicken Katsu over the greens with this Jap dressing. My gawd. I think it is just my luck, or the person who was in-charged of the salad was in a bad mood, or had wanted me to die of kidney failure right after the meal. 

I felt so disgusted by the food that I was eating. There were no red onions or even white onions to help to keep the salad refreshing. Seriously, if you can't deliver proper salad, then don't even bother putting it up on your menu. Pisses me off. Such a horrible experience. I would rather walk to cold storage, and buy a bowl of veg and eat it raw. Seriously.

Chicken Chop (tossed in soy garlic) Meal + Seaweed Fries - $9.95 SGD

This was what Juvena had. She really had a problem trying to dissect the Chicken. Yes, I use the word dissect. Astons, you win hands down. It was a hearty portion for hers and the chicken was really difficult to come apart. Not sure if it was because it was pre-fried beforehand and fried again before serving ( I know most places does that, but this was horrible too). Do I even have to mention about the salty level?

The only highlight were the seaweed fries that was a lot better than Mcdonalds (salty) seaweed fries. It really tasted like real seaweed were sprinkled over them.

The Calamari & Shrimp tossed in Hot Sauce $7.95 SGD

I ordered an additional side for the both of us, this time round it was tossed in hot sauce. Which was really HOT. I guess this wasn't really a highlight. They were ok. I don't even know how to comment if they were fresh or not. All I can remember was that it was like a mixture of Marmite and Hot Sauce for the dressing. 

That they are really salty.

I know they are pretty famous across Singapore, but I apologise, after this experience. I will never ever step in and have a taste of their chicken. I would rather do KFC, Popeyes and Arnolds' (yet to try jollibee) . But this is based on my probably  unlucky visit to the place. So if you still insist on going have a super powerful kidney........

4 Fingers Crispy Chicken
Plaza Singapura #01-32 (Beside Starhub/Aldo)
Opens from 11am to 11pm

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