Thursday 22 March 2012


I'm so furious right now, all thanks to this specific blogshop that I've been purchasing from.

Here's the story...

I made my purchase on last Sunday afternoon prior to their launch. As usual, its that painful wait to know if you actually managed to get the items of your choice. So I waited. Shortly, in about 3 hours or so, I received my confirmation email to make my payment on the item that I chose. I did not do it instantly, and forgot about it, until Monday morning when I came to work.

I received another email from the blogshop; a reminder for the payment. I told them that I did not bring my IB Token out, thus would not be able to make the transfer, given that I have school every Monday, I told them that I will do the transfer as soon as I get home, which is usually around 10pm.

I got a reply, shortly after that, stating that I would need to make the payment before 10pm. So for that bloody piece of dress that I got, I rushed home to do the transfer. Sadly, I was rushing so much, and multi-tasking (my mum was nagging about her work) and did a double transfer. A total of $57 instead of just $28.50.


So I waited patiently for their "PROMPT" reply. And they did reply me. GUESS WHAT MY REPLY WAS. [oh, this was directly after I tweeted them how pissed I was with regards to my payment and email]

And I did reply to notify them about the transfer once again.  [from my blackberry]

Please note, how polite and courteous I am with regards to this email. I wasn't THAT ANGRY YET, until yesterday. 

I saw that the blog was going to launch another collection/post. [Today marks the 4th day since I transacted the entry]. I see how they are active on social media, and even churning out blog entries for their launch and etc. I mean, I can understand that they do have this practice to launch twice a week. But if they can't reply their customers on time, what's the point of launching so efficiency. 

I have shopped at many other blogshop which also includes the famous - Love,Bonito. Never once, had I encounter such a terrible experience. Gosh. Do they know what is business ethics? 

They do have an office, which I know where it is located at, but I do not wish to go knock on someone's door over $28.50. But, the business practice that this specific blogshop carries is just unforgivable. I thought that I could trust this blogshop given the fact that I had made several transactions with them previously and all were fine and successful. Yet this specific transaction had to take SO LONG to process. I mean I would have understood that if they would take a few days to reply due to their busy schedules and etc. But the fact that they had replied me so promptly on the previous few emails, doesn't it just proves one point? They cannot be bothered. 

That fucking piece of dress is not even worth $57. 

Dear DB (blogshop)

If you happen to read this. I am a very angry customer who has experienced my WORSE experience of online shopping. You're worse than Paypal, worse than gmarket buyers. You give people the impression that your business is so prestigious and awesome. But let me tell you this, I can easily purchase the type of dresses that you bring in to your company at City Plaza (Paya Lebar, which is very near your office too).  I hope that whoever is attending to your customers do understand the importance of reverting them effectively and efficiently. and not taking your customer's email lightly, or just filtering out the parts where attention is needed the most. 

Perhaps this "Joelle" would need to attend some English lessons or even some courtesy lesson in order to serve your "loyal" customers better. Gosh. This isn't just about the $57 bucks. This is about YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE. 

You, suck. 

And for all you know, the T&C stated on your website would not be able to save your sorry ass. Given your negligence, you will most likely end up in a lawsuit, not by me, but probably by some other shopper who visits and patronise your shop. Cause I can't be bothered to argue this $57 amount with you. Good luck in your future business, because I am going to tarnish it in my circle of friends!

and for all you know I haven't even receive my dress yet. 


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