Monday 2 December 2013


I think this is one of the more.. unique days when I go against all odds and for a #LOTD

Yes, I heard the thunder roar, saw how the lightning came piercing through but I still wore this out, because I am a responsible blogger (actually more like a hiao po - because this dress is new!).

Not very sure why I was so happy. Please put your thumb over my face. Even I can't stand it. *face palms*

See how long the dress is and how I'm wearing flats? (See below for .GIF) 


Got Ede to help me with the photos cause... if you do follow me often, I HARDLY post an #LOTD. I wanted to pass off with a #feetoftheday. But obviously fail right..

Just look at this.

Anyways, the reason I am here is because THIS IS THE MONTH OF CHRISTMAS
(ok, quite 讲废话,BUT, 我有好料!)


As you all know, I have been writing for VanityTrove for a quite a few times (actually numerous) and they have very kindly selected me to do a special BLOGGERS' + VANITYTROVE  collaboration.

This time round, they are allowing bloggers to be the angels behind the troves. 12 selected bloggers will be crafting their individual troves for sale (and my fattest secret is, I VERY NICE ONE. I make sure all the products I selected are of top top top quality and you will definitely use it!) 

Because only when I believe in the product, then will I write about the product or even introduce to you. 
I'm honest just like that.   x)

There will also be a BLOGGERS' TROVE GIVEAWAY on the 27th of December 2013. So if you are looking for an incredible trove this Christmas, STAY TUNE and READ MY BLOG and of course

To add on to this glorious giveaway... there is also the PREENK giveaway. Won't you want to spin around in the maxi with me? HAHAHA. Ok, this sounds extremely wrong, but it is really of such great quality and I love how light the fabric is, so that it sways around prettily. I LOVE MAXI(s).

You know it is so so so so so hard to find the perfect weather today - because there is none
It was raining and drizzling and raining again. Vicious cycle! 

In all light-hearted affairs...

PREENK is gonna merry their customers by giving out an exclusive Vanity Trove gift with ANY Purchase to the first 20 and.. you can definitely enjoy a 10% off on any regular price items. 

You can find them at Level 2, Ladies Department, Isetan Lido.

Synonymous with the word Prink and distinctly derived from the colours Pink, symbolising Love; and Green, representing Life, PREENK is all about Loving Life, with the aim to inspire a deeper meaning for prinking up. Not just about the latest designs, nor a popular trend, PREENK believes that fashion enhances one’s persona, increases one’s confidence and celebrates one’s personal style. Built upon the principle of less is more, PREENK looks to expand the retail horizons by bridging the gap between bargain- basement fashion and high-end labels, making luxury accessible for all to enjoy. 

Instagram - @preenk
Twitter - @preenk
Pinterest -


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