Monday 21 April 2014

Easy Bake Vanilla Cake!

So for the very very very first time, I finally learned how to bake a cake!

It was over the weekends and I had plans to bake a cake for a really long time, but never had the courage to do so, because I have heard so much about cake not rising up and blah. This recipe below is edited to suit our taste buds, it is very sweet, so I suggest you think twice about the sugar amount.  I took it from one of the BBC food recipe but I can't seem to find the link now.

Any ways, I know it sounds easy, but it sure isn't. Especially when you don't have the right tools at home to make it possible - such as the mixer.

So Hong non-voluntarily became my mixer/whisker. #myboyfriendsoawesome

Here's my Recipe 
(for 25inch rectangle tin I bought from Daiso)

  • 200g Caster Sugar
  • 250g Self Raising Flour
  • 250g Unsalted Butter
  • 5 Eggs
  • About 50g Plain Flour
  • 2 tablespoon Vanilla Essence (I love this, you can add 1 instead)
  • 100ml Plain Yoghurt

  1. Heat your oven for 20minutes in 180 degrees 
  2. Grease your baking pan and line the cookie paper 
  3. Beat the SOFTENED butter first, then add sugar progressively. Make sure you don't hear bits of the sugar when you beat them. Do that till they turn smooth and creamy. 
  4. Add the eggs in one by one. You need to judge this, because if it becomes slimy looking, add the plain flour. Add in your Yoghurt and Vanilla Essence here.
  5. Once you have a consistent texture, FOLD the self-raising flour in, gradually as well, so that it would become "pasty".  
  6. Place your mixture into your baking pan and send it to the oven for 1 hour and 15minutes.
  7. Use a satay stick or a chopstick to poke through to see if there are any sticky substance left on the stick when you pull it out. If there is, it means it isn't baked thoroughly yet. 
  8. Bring your super chio cake out, and leave it on the rack to cool for at least 30 - 45minutes (Singapore Weather)
I was extremely thrilled when it turned out so so so good. Really! #achievementunlocked

Lastly, this cake can be kept for 3 days in the fridge, it tastes a lot like pound cake. To make it more interesting,  you can also make up cream/icing to be placed in between layers. It is freaking simple, but extremely fattening. After making this, I realised how how how much sugar is used and how unhealthy it can be. But who cares?!

Frosting/Cream Ingredients
  • 175g Unsalted Butter
  • 200g Icing Sugar

  1. Beat the butter till it is really really really fluffy.
  2. Add in the icing sugar gradually and constantly taste. If you think it is sweet enough, stop. 
  3. If you want to create a different flavour of frost, I suggest you can add Milo Powder or Cocoa Powder, or coffee powder - whichever that rocks your boat.
  4. Once your cake is completely cool, you may frost it all over your cake and enjoy it with a cup of tea without sugar!

Hope you have fun making this! It was surely a freaking tiring event. Although I must say, it is a good work out for ladies who want to rid off butterfly arms. HAHAHA! 

Now here's a photo to cheer your Monday Blues - Hong's Shih Tzu that got its hair tied up by me. 

I am a 1 yo + male, non sterilised.but because I hate to have my fringe snapped off, I have to get it tied.


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