Wednesday 26 February 2014

My views on the NSF/Videography/Abandoned Dog Case.

Have you heard the latest news about the abused/abandoned dog that was video-ed in an army cubicle? If you haven't, you can read the article here

Why the fishcakebananas would you even tie a dog this way! Are there no other places to tie that stray dog while you wait for the AVA personnel to come, or so you claim? From what I can see in the video, it looks to me that the dog was in such DISCOMFORT. If I were to tie you by your neck, and make you stand, would you be able to bear with it? Definitely not right? Use your freaking brain Lieutenant-Colonel! 

Even if you were military train, didn't your upbringing taught you that you need to be a little more compassionate? Instead of creating more stress for the dog  - e.g THROWING BATONS AT THE STRAYS, has it not occurred to you that your actions have caused the dogs to be angry with people in the army - therefore the attacks? 

Don't tell me the army didn't teach you that before you crawl to that position.

Just so you know, 纸是包不住火的  (Time will come to reveal the whole truth). It is ok, if your company wants to cover your buttocks. But sooner or later, social media will expose the true identity of YOU and well... you will face Public/Society Shame.

So Shame on You. You deserve all these rage from True Animal Lovers.

Well, yes, I do think that there is some injustice in giving such sentence to the NSF. But at the same time, I think such actions/sentences needs to be implemented. I'm sorry. But despite how light or how his actions were in due of compassion, he still breached the law. 

 If someone committed a crime of robbery, because he needed to feed his family, is this not then considered a crime? It would still be, but maybe the judge will give a lighter sentence, understanding that his intention and situation.

In addition, this has reached so much public awareness that if the MINDEF do not charge those kids or implement any sort of punishment, imagine what would happen in future when someone breach the same law?

It is true that we need to be more compassionate about the NSF sentence. But I think MINDEF have already considered that, thus that kid is not being charged and placed in Detention Barracks (DB) - which I have heard of EXTREMELY SCARY treatments of people inside. 

Yet, it is also totally understandable that the dad is protective of the son, who has gained a lot of public awareness himself with regards to this case, through the defending post that he had structured on his facebook timeline. Even if I'm not a parent, I can understand what it is like when you feel like you did nothing wrong - morally. 

But logically, he did commit a crime, just that he was unlucky that he got caught by an ... youknowwhat.


I think what all netizens out there would want to see is that Lieutenant-Colonel should face similar or at least own up to his own actions. 

Instead of having his own ass covered up by his company, or go through "counseling". This is what we cannot withstand. Yes, there may be no actual abuse in the case reported, but it is obvious that the dog was in distress. 

 Being a pet owner myself, I hate it when I see dogs in distress, or when I see them getting abused physically or mentally or even emotionally. I know, I call my dogs fat, but if there happens to be a disaster, my dogs would definitely be the first thing I carry out of the house before anything else. 

What I'm trying to say is, the message needs to be clear to the public. MINDEF doesn't mind the public slamming them that they are being unreasonable, because they had to carry out sufficient punishment to "ensure" that people will not do that in the future. Or take this case as a form of "waiving" their sentence. 

At the same time, there should be adequate explanation to the public as to why such actions were carried out by the Lieutenant-Colonel and what consequence would he then face? He must have mistreated the dogs around that vicinity to have caused them to be more aggressive than usual. Also, instead of scaring them off, shouldn't he had used his tiny brains to call AVA or other dog related association to assist in relocating/rehoming these dogs?

Seriously, if this case was dealt by a Lieutenant-Colonel who has more compassion for animals, I honestly doubt the kiddos around the block would have bite the people working there. 

Poor NSFs, Poor Dogs. - Inappropriate Lieutenant-Colonel Actions.
Now I'm only glad these woofies will get rehomed. (:

Photo Credit: Four of five dogs taken from the camp that are now under the care of Animal Lovers League. -- ST PHOTO: LAU FOOK KONG

woof x meow

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