Wednesday 23 April 2014

The three things a woman shouldn't do

The recent articles that have been shared countless time online seriously needs to stop. I am not just referring to this article but to the many articles out there that determines the things we do in life. It is so freaking annoying. I came across this article earlier. LINK HERE Obviously, it came from China, and China being herself, the men there are all ego-centric and chauvinist (or at least that is the impression that I have).

(the three things that an intelligent woman should not care/be bothered about"
  1. 不管男人的去向 Should not care/ be bothered by the whereabouts of your men.   
  2. 不管男人的钱包 Should not be a financial control freak on a men's wallet
  3. 不管男人的信息 Do not read the messages on their phones (text messages, whatsapp blah blah blah)
Their advise for women are the following:
  • 管住自己那张破嘴 - Need to learn to think before you speak
  • 管住自己花钱的欲望 - Control yourself from spending money on unnecessary things
  • 不要做月光族 - Do not be someone who spends without planning 
  • 要做精明的财务大臣 - Need to be smart & savvy financially 
  • 要懂得装湖涂 - Need to learn how to act blur and stupid 
  • 要有危机感 - Need to have a sense of crisis 
  • 要懂得珍惜青春 - Need to cherish your own youth 
  • 女人要有自己的事业 - Women should have their own career 
  • 要学会做家常菜 - Learn how cook simple meals  

Firstly, the list on what a women should do is just.. hilarious

But before I get to that, the 3 things that women should not do, men should not do as well. Men should not ask the whereabouts of their female partner, should not control their spending and... should not check on their messages. (how does that feel? If it sound cool to you, great, but don't come crying or feeling all angst when you find out that your partner have taken your trust for granted and cheated on you. All I have to say is too bad. Yes we can trust them, but like the wise man have said - once trust is broken, there is no way going back)

Men need to understand that women are emotional animals. We speak from our hearts and even though sometimes a few words may come out wrong, we do not know. Because you chose to keep quiet, and not make a response out of it. Therefore we take it that it is ok. 

If we switched the game and place two females together. Both would either start shouting what they really feel or end up crying and hugging each other after a big fight. It is true. We function this way. So if you, as a guy, is not happy about what she has done, tell her nicely, and work a solution with her instead of just keeping quiet. 

Next, which is probably the most ironic thing ever. 

Women should get a job and learn to spend money wisely. 
(this basically covers most of the points above)

Yes. All women should at least work once in their life and have a feeling on how difficult it is to earn money. Learning this point will help to deter our actions on spending. Getting a job would also require some sort of qualification. Being exposed in the real world also gives us reality checks and of course, makes us a whole lot smarter and wiser. So please, don't expect us to be dumb or bimbotic.

I admit, there are times (ok, many times) we spend uncontrollably. It could be because our bosses were giving us a hard time at work or we are going through a rough patch (PMS). Yep, we fancy big brands and we love buying items that we probably would not wear more than once or a bag that we keep in the display shelves, but isn't men the same?  You spend money on things that interests you - new IT gadget, a new game and etc, which probably last you less than 3 months.

HAH. You want us to stay youthful, be up to date, to defy gravity and time? #whatwereyouthinking You think cosmetics and skincare products CHEAP AH? So stop complaining about how wives turn into old hags when they try their best to keep themselves in shape. If you want them to look good, motivate them too instead of oogling at other pretty young thing.

While you buy your investment plans, we buy insurance. Is that not thinking about a rainy day? 

Lastly, the ability to cook. If a girl can cook maggie mee only, be grateful. If she can do better than that, KEEP HER. Now, even when she doesn't know how to cook a proper meal, learn how to cook together instead of expecting her to do everything. It is an extremely tiring chore you know?

Don't say I never say.

Women these days are way different from the past. We are like super heroes. We work the same hours as you, go home,  do the laundry, sweep the floor, mop the floor and all other household chores. Remember what is in the fridge, what is expired and what needs to be topped up. On top of all of that, we have a 12841024 step skin care regime to follow every night and every morning so that we can stay youthful. 

And you? 
Sit in front of the couch and asks for a cup of water or a specific drink. Thinking that you are the only bread winner, and the only one who is tired. Then thinking that the drink miraculously appears and boil/restock by itself. And every time when we go to the supermarket, you complain about why we buy so many bottles of a specific brand but forgot that you are the only one consuming that brand. 


Men, it shouldn't just be women getting a reality check, you need to as well! We are not asking you to treat us like princesses, all we are asking is to share the load. Don't be a selfish ass and only care about yourself. 



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